This is a remake of a cantilevered bookshelf I made few years ago. The concept is the same as the previous version, however I've simplified the design and eliminated any kind of connection pieces between the counter weight and the steel plate. Essentially, this bookshelf can be made with one precast concrete counter weight, one structural steel channel, and one custom piece of sheet steel slotted down the middle to accommodate and adjustable bookend (not shown) to stop the books from toppling over as they are placed farther down the shelf.
This is a detail of a table that I am creating for a welding class at Cell Space. The concept was to emphasize the cantilever by creating a table with only one leg and thin stainless steel tension wires. The table can support up to 50 lbs of pressure on the far end of the table without overturning and is designed to be assembled in smaller parts instead of one welded piece.